Prospective directions and topics

Through this link, you can familiarize yourself with the list of scientific research directions in the specialty "Human rights (legal sciences, sociological sciences)" for 12.00.13 and choose a scientific research direction.


12.00.13 - Recommendations for the main areas of research to be carried out in the field of "Human rights" (legal sciences, sociological sciences):


  1. Theoretical and legal foundations of human rights development.
  2. Philosophical and legal foundations of human rights.
  3. Historical roots of human rights.
  4. Historical and legal foundations of the genesis and development of human rights.
  5. Scientific-theoretical, practical, educational and pedagogical importance of human rights.
  6. Human rights institutions.
  7. "Soft" and "hard" law in the field of human rights.
  8. Universal and regional documents in the field of human rights and their role in ensuring and protecting human rights.
  9. Human rights and state system;
  10. The main tasks of the state to ensure human rights and freedoms and their implementation.
  11. Civil society and legal statehood are the main legal mechanisms for ensuring human rights.
  12. Human rights and social state.
  13. Human rights and democracy.
  14. Human rights and the rule of law.
  15. Human rights and the secular state.
  16. Peculiarities of the system of human rights in modern national statehood: a comparative legal analysis.
  17. Emergence of civilizational-regional models of human rights.
  18. The formation of the concept of universal rights and the modern secular state.
  19. Ensuring human rights at the modern stage of society's development.
  20. Problems of formation and development of human rights system.
  21. Formation and development prospects of international standards in the field of human rights.
  22. History of doctrines and views on human rights.
  23. Development of human rights and problems of the era of globalization.
  24. Development of the methodology of studying human rights.
  25. Universal and national moral content of human rights.
  26. Universality of human rights and cultural relativism.
  27. Study of human rights problems in philosophy, sociology, political science and law: traditional approaches and modern trends.
  28. Modern interpretation of human rights.
  29. The problem of ensuring human rights in the conditions of transformation to a digital society.
  30. Prioritization of constitutional reforms and protection of human rights.
  31. Development of education and propaganda in the field of human rights.
  32. International, regional and national human rights mechanisms.
  33. National legislation and legal practice in the field of human rights.
  34. Foreign experience and comparative legal analysis of human rights protection.
  35. Problems of developing the institution of appeals in the field of human rights.
  36. State policy in the field of human rights: foreign experience and national practice.
  37. Scientific and methodological bases of implementation of international legal norms in the field of human rights into the legislation of Uzbekistan.
  38. Fundamental principles of improving legislation in the field of human rights.
  39. Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and human rights;
  40. National strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights;
  41. The role of the Islamic system in human rights today.
  42. Development prospects of the Asian system of human rights.
  43. The role of state bodies in ensuring and protecting human rights.
  44. Protection of human rights in courts.
  45. Elimination of human rights violations in law enforcement bodies.
  46. Administrative and legal protection of human rights.
  47. Guarantees of human and citizen's rights and freedoms.
  48. Right to legal aid.
  49. National institutions for human rights.
  50. The role of non-governmental non-commercial organizations in ensuring and protecting human rights;
  51. International obligations of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights;
  52. Opinions and recommendations of the UN chartered bodies and treaty committees on the national reports of the Republic of Uzbekistan on human rights and the results of their review;
  53. National human rights action plans of Uzbekistan;
  54. UN Global Agenda and national goals and objectives of Uzbekistan until 2030;
  55. Improvement of international documents on youth rights.
  56. The principle of respect for human rights.
  57. Human rights and sanctions.
  58. Participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the creation of international norms on human rights.
  59. Institutions of civil society and human rights.
  60. Combating human trafficking and human rights.
  61. Business and human rights.
  62. Fight against corruption and human rights.
  63. Basics of protection of women's rights.
  64. Actual issues of child rights protection.
  65. Problems of forming a human rights-oriented approach in ensuring the interests of persons with disabilities.
  66. Issues of ensuring the rights of migrants.
  67. Problems of ensuring the rights of the elderly.
  68. Issues of ensuring the rights of population groups in need of social protection.
  69. Judicial reforms and human rights.
  70. Application of international legal norms on human rights in courts.
  71. Implementation of international legal standards on human rights in criminal proceedings.
  72. Implementation of international legal standards on human rights in administrative proceedings.
  73. Implementation of the main principles of the UN on the independence of judicial bodies in the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  74. Ensuring human rights and freedoms during investigative actions.
  75. Ensuring the rights of victims and witnesses in criminal proceedings.
  76. Legal status of defendants.
  77. Distinctive features of resolving labor disputes.
  78. Issues of improving mechanisms related to gender equality, rights and opportunities expansion of women and girls in the human rights system (in the case of Uzbekistan).
  79. Issues of improving legislation on human social rights and poverty reduction in Uzbekistan.
  80. Issues of achieving the goals of ensuring a healthy lifestyle and increasing the well-being of the population in Uzbekistan (from the perspective of human rights)
  81. Improvement of mechanisms related to ensuring and promoting the right to fair and quality education in Uzbekistan (human rights sphere).
  82. Human rights and issues of improving the work of the Ombudsman Institute (comparison of national and foreign experiences).
  83. Issues of ensuring human rights in the work of the "safe city" program and ensuring the safety of residential areas in Uzbekistan.
  84. Issues of ensuring human rights during emergencies in Uzbekistan (comparison of national and foreign experiences).
  85. Issues of ensuring human rights in the organization of rational use of water resources in Uzbekistan.
  86. Issues of improving legislation related to consumer rights protection in Uzbekistan.
  87. International legal and national mechanisms for protection of environmental rights.
  88. The system of protection of personal rights and freedoms: scientific and theoretical analysis.
  89. International legal and national mechanisms for protection of the right to life and health.
  90. International legal and national mechanisms of protection of the right to freedom and privacy.
  91. Theoretical problems of protection of the right to privacy.
  92. Legal basis of activity of national institutions protecting the right.
  93. International legal basis for ensuring the right to use one's mother tongue.
  94. Right to move from one place to another
  95. Right to privacy of residence.
  96. Right to freedom of conscience.
  97. Political rights and freedoms.
  98. Freedom of thought and speech.
  99. Right to freedom of information.
  100. The right to establish public associations.
  101. Right to hold public events.
  102. The right to participate in state management.
  103. Right to appeal.
  104. Social, economic and cultural rights.
  105. Entrepreneurial right.
  106. Right to privacy.
  107. Right to own private property.
  108. Right to work.
  109. Right to rest.
  110. Right to receive social security.
  111. Right to family.
  112. Right to have a place of residence.
  113. Right to medical care.
  114. Right to healthy environment.
  115. Right to education.
  116. Problems of ensuring the right to inclusive education.
  117. The right to creative freedom.
  118. Right to education in a corruption-free environment.
  119. The right to work in a corruption-free environment.
  120. The right to create in a corruption-free environment.
  121. Legal bases of the activities of the UN Committee on Human Rights.
  122. The mechanism for organizing the activities of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
  123. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  124. Implementation of the requirements of the international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination: national experience.
  125. Legal basis of the activities of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.
  126. Implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: National Experience.
  127. The mechanism for organizing the activities of the UN Committee against Torture.
  128. Implementation of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: A Comparative Legal Analysis.
  129. Legal bases of the activities of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.
  130. Theoretical and practical problems of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  131. Legal status of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families.
  132. Socio-legal basis for implementing the standards of the international convention on protection of the rights of all migrant workers and their family members.
  133. Legal status of the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  134. Socio-legal basis of implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  135. Legal mechanisms of the UN Human Rights Council.
  136. Fundamentals of universal periodic reporting and the implementation of international obligations of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  137. Country cooperation with the Institute of UN Speakers: a comparative analysis.
  138. Cooperation with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: international and national experience.
  139. Legal status of the representative of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan on child rights.
  140. Theoretical and legal foundations of improving the activities of the human rights representative (ombudsman) of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  141. Problems of improving the National preventive mechanism against torture.
  142. Problems of improving the activities of the Oliy Majlis in the field of human rights.
  143. Methodological problems of forming national indicators in the field of human rights protection.
  144. Methodological problems of informing the population about international agreements in the field of human rights.
  145. Methodological issues of organizing the study of social opinion in the field of human rights.
  146. Sociological problems of youth rights protection.
  147. Theoretical and legal issues of formation of human rights culture.
  148. Reflection of human rights culture in social consciousness and social processes.
  149. Basics of sociological description of human rights culture.
  150. Problems of organization and development of education in the field of human rights.
  151. Methodological problems of education in the field of human rights.
  152. Methods of conducting sociological surveys, data collection, analysis and evaluation in the field of human rights.
  153. Social aspects and foundations of the formation and development of civil society in Uzbekistan.
  154. Sustainable development goals and human rights.
  155. Sociological concepts in the field of human rights.
  156. Sociology of human rights.
  157. Socio-legal basis of the right to receive information.
  158. Modern trends of gender issues.
  159. Human rights and migration processes;
  160. Social foundations of the right to information.


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